Dark Soul

Dark Soul
"In a Place Where Dreams Fade and Shadows Fall" ...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Past Nightmares...

The past nightmares, they are growing
Step by step they just change this place
Into a Valley of silence cover with mist
Mist of miseries that are put upon
To the dreams that I believed were true

But now that I look back form this place
everything seem to have changed since then
Into the darkness that is shed upon my lifeless home
So much has changed since then

Every face that i once thought to be beautiful
Has now taken a new shape of terror
Is it reflected through the mirror of some else?
Now the time just seems to elongate everyday
Stretching these days into my sleepless nights

Do I need to run away form this new change?
Or should I surrender myself to my own disgrace?
Why would you care about why I am stranded still?
Why would you look down and see this broken me?

Blood all over my body, I still know it's a dream
But now that I look back form this place
everything seem to have changed since then
Even though I try to realize that it's not reality
But so much has changed since then

My wishful dreams changed into nightmares
The Past Nightmares...

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